Wednesday, February 1, 2023

New in Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android 2023

Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android has received several new features and improvements in recent updates. Some of the latest features include:

  • Dark mode: A dark mode theme has been added to Outlook for iOS and Android, which provides a low-light interface that can reduce eye strain and improve visibility in low-light environments.
  • Focused Inbox: This feature helps users to focus on the most important messages by separating them into two tabs: "Focused" and "Other."
  • Calendar improvements: Outlook for iOS and Android now includes a more user-friendly calendar interface with improved navigation and better scheduling tools.
  • Improved search: The search function in Outlook for iOS and Android has been improved, making it easier to find specific emails, contacts, and files.
  • Smarter notifications: Outlook for iOS and Android now includes smarter notifications, which will only show notifications for new emails from people you interact with frequently.

These are some of the latest features added to Microsoft Outlook for iOS and Android. Note that these features may have changed or been updated since my training data was cut off.

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